The 7 Dimensions of Wellness

The Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is an overall concept of health that consolidates and identifies the degree in which an individual’s interdependent dimensions are functioning together as a whole.  

These interdependent dimensions refer to the wellness of the mind, body, and soul of a person, and are referred to as “Dimensions of Wellness.”  The Dimensions of Wellness have been known to be broken down into various categories from as few as two being physical and mental health up to as many as 12 dimensions. The ability to form healthy habits that nurture and support each dimension of wellness can greatly impact and ultimately determine one’s quality of life.  At Treasures N Heaven we are focused on nurturing and promoting the following 7 dimensions of wellness within underserved communities: social, physical, spiritual, emotional, environmental, intellectual, and financial wellness. 

Read below to learn more about each of the 7 dimensions of wellness, and how you can help.


What is Emotional Wellness?

How does Emotional Wellness influence one’s quality of life?

What problems in underserved communities impact Emotional wellness?

What is the goal of the TNH program?


What is Environmental Wellness?

How does Environmental Wellness influence one’s quality of life?

What problems in underserved communities impact Environmental wellness?

What is the goal of the TNH program?


What is Financial Wellness?
Financial wellness refers to an individual’s relationship with money and understanding of personal economic management. Simply put, financial wellness is the ability to make healthy financial decisions to manage one’s economic life and maintain stability and security by meeting financial obligations.

How does Financial Wellness Influence Quality of Life?
Poor financial wellness can result in a variety of exigent circumstances and conditions resulting in hardships that can be detrimental, compromising one’s health and livelihood. The ability to meet current and future financial obligations ensures safety and security throughout life and can even be an influencing factor between life and death in some cases. Financial obligations such as rent, mortgage, auto payments, medical bills or premiums, utilities, groceries, and planning for retirement can make crucial differences in a person’s sustainability and overall quality of life and death as loved ones are left behind.

What problems in underserved communities impact Financial wellness?

What is the goal of the TNH program?

What is the goal of the TNH program?


What is Intellectual Wellness?
Intellectual wellness is attributed to an individual’s effort towards good mental health through creativity and overall psychological growth. Activities such as reading, traveling, playing mind stimulating games and activities such as chess or other board and card games, even learning a second language, playing a sport, journaling, or maintaining a hobby.

How does Intellectual Wellness influence one’s quality of life?
Intellectual wellness improves IQ, mental capacity, and helps to cultivate a well balanced life. Intellectual stimulation results in the type of psychological growth and development required for a person to learn problem solving skills, time management techniques, focus, pattern recognition, enhanced cognitive capacity and motor function including many other useful tools for navigating through life. A healthy intellectual wellness inspires learning and exploration. This level of curiosity is what motivates critical thinking and allows room for an individual to understand cultural differences, relationship dynamics, and how they fit into their different surroundings.

What problems in underserved communities impact Intellectual wellness?
Lifestyle factors within underserved communities are not always conducive with developing an optimum level of intellectual wellness. Factors such as poor diet, drugs, lack of sleep, stress, depression and other health conditions can greatly contribute to poor intellectual health. Due to lack of financial resources many children being raised in impoverished areas suffer from isolation and rarely make it outside of their community or home beyond attending school.

What is the goal of the TNH program?
TNH has created programs geared toward educating parents on intellectual wellness activities as well as providing support to existing corrective parenting and coaching programs. TNH has also systematized operational strategies that support new resources and opportunities for children to participate in various ongoing, seasonal, and annual intellect building activities through community based centers, clubs and associations.


What is Physical Wellness?
Physical wellness refers to one’s ability to maintain a high quality of physical health. Maintaining quality physical health involves implementing activities such as healthy dietary habits, regular exercise, preventative health care practices, hygiene execution, sleep and sexual habits.

How does Physical Wellness influence one’s quality of life?
Poor physical health can lead to life threatening and chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancers, STDs including AIDs/HIV and other harmful conditions. Ultimately poor physical wellness greatly reduces one’s life expectancy and ability to actively enjoy life due to physical illness.

What problems in underserved communities impact Physical wellness?
Unequal healthcare, transportation, food deserts, alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual abuse, smoke inhalation due to interconnected dwellings, violence, lack of exercise, and poor dietary habits are amongst a few of the conditions actively contributing to a plethora of poor health conditions within underserved communities.

What is the goal of the TNH program?
By collaborating with community resources Treasures N Heaven aims to implement programs to close the gap in healthcare services while increasing preventative care, dietary education, cigarette rehabilitation assistance, in underserved communities as well as promoting breastfeeding and breast milk donations for babies in need.



What is Social Wellness?
Social wellness is the ability to develop and maintain positive relationships with members of your community and interact well with others.

How does it influence one’s quality of life?
How we interact with the people around us manifests in positive and negative encounters that greatly influence our quality of life and how we experience the world around us. Healthy interaction with those we come in contact with where we live, shop, work, learn, worship and simply in passing is crucial for personal development. Social health is the dimension of wellness which allows individuals to exhibit healthy habits and reasoning skills required while conducting common everyday interactions such as sharing their feelings, listening empathetically, disagreeing respectfully, making new friends, or even successfully interviewing for a job.

What problems in underserved communities impact Social wellness?
The harsh conditions within underserved communities are not conducive to supporting social wellness. Most residents experience situations that cause great emotional distress. Insufficiencies within underserved communities result in high crime, poverty, inferior education, minimal family support, low self-esteem, mental health issues, amongst other social inhibitors. Lifestyle stressors severely diminished their ability to trust people’s intentions, connect with others, interpret situations in a healthy manner and interact with others positively.

What is the goal of the TNH program?
Developing a healthy social wellness improves relationships, life expectancy, communication skills, and overall quality of life by reducing judgmental defensive or offensive behavior that results in anger, confusion, hostility, withdrawal, and in some cases even violence while interacting with others. Our aim at TNH is to improve social wellness within underserved communities by establishing programs and events that foster constructive public interaction resulting in positive social experiences for underserved communities and persons.


What is Spiritual Wellness?

Our Spirit refers to our sense of purpose in life, and our ability to feel like our existence means something in this world. Our spirit allows us to establish morals, ethics, and reasoning behind how we conduct ourselves through life, and connect with those around us on a deeper level.

How does Spiritual Wellness influence one’s quality of life?
When someone lives life in connection with their beliefs and values they gain fulfillment from their actions. This reflects in how they chose to live their lives, what they find meaningful, and creates passion about and throughout life. 

What problems in underserved communities impact Spiritual wellness?
Underserved communities suffer from harsh conditions that can destroy a person’s spirit and diminish their faith and hope in life. When people feel worthless they have the potential to act out, suffer from depression, become suicidal or violent, and to the very least live below their potential and function poorly within society.  

What is the goal of the TNH program?
Our goal is to create programs that foster a healthy spiritual wellness within underserved communities.  Allowing opportunities for community members to understand they are needed and to feel optimistic through prayer, fellowship, volunteer work and various other forms of engagement.  By making positive contributions and becoming pillars within their community, the hope is they will see the value in their lives, develop a sense of belonging and self-love, thus improving their spiritual wellness.

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